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更新時間:2010-12-24      點擊次數:2438

THK于1972年實現了被認為是難以實現的機械的直線運動部滾動化、并在開發生產了“直線運動導軌(Linear Motion Guide = LM導軌副)”產品,是一家LM導軌副的鋒企業。我們目前在日本內擁有70%、在也擁有50%以上,是該的*制造商。我們作為制造業的改革創新企業,2003年還將進一步努力提高其重要性。
In 1972, THK achieved the rolling of linear-motion parts on machines which was considered as difficult to achieve, developed and produced the “Linear Motion Guide Rail (Linear-Motion Guide = LM Guide Rail Pair" product for the first time in the world, so as to be a pioneer company for LM Guide Rail Pair products. At present, we hold 70% of the market share in Japan, as well as over 50% of the global market share, making us a top-ranking manufacturer in this sector. Being a reformational & innovative enterprise in the global manufacturing industry, we will make further efforts to increase its importance in 2003. THK公司簡介,THK導軌,THK/39/29/30
THK的主打產品----“LM導軌副”廣泛應用于進機電一體化設備的直線運動部中。zui近,其用途正在不斷擴大,比如實現在今后的社會中*的高水平醫療的CT掃描儀、MRI等高科技醫療設備、適用于環保及提高的汽車、鐵道車輛或旨在守護生命財產的免震減震裝置。 THK’s main product—“LM Guide Rail Pair” is widely applied in the linear-motion parts of advanced mechanical-electrical integration equipment. Recently, its usage scope has been expanding continuously, such as in the realization of the high-level medical CT scanner, MRI and some other high-tech medical equipment, the autos and rail vehicles which are applicable to environment protection and improved performance, the anti-shock and shock-absorbing devices for safeguarding lives and properties, and some other such equipment which will be indispensable in the future society.
而且,為了進一步擴大用途,在產品開發方面也正在“提出的產品的方案、給社會帶來新風、為創造富裕的社會做出貢獻”的經營理念下,致力于新產品的投放。特別是正致力于擴充“帶保持器產品陣容-S系列”的產品陣容。這些產品具有長壽命、低噪音、高速性、長期免維護、低發塵等功能,是有望在zui域的產品制造現場一展身手的產品陣容。另外,我們深信,通過其功能,也可以為降低客戶的總成本做出貢獻。 And moreover, for further expanding the usages, we have addressed ourselves to putting our new products into the market in the product-development aspect, under the operation concept of “putting forward plans for unprecedented products, bringing about new trends to the society, and making our contributions to the creation of a rich society”. We are addressing ourselves especially to the expansion for the product portfolio of “Portfolio of the Products with Retainers-S Series”. These products have the excellent functions of long lives, low noise, high speed, long term free for maintenance, low dust emission, etc., making them hopeful to exert their merits in the sites for manufacturing the products in the highest sophisticated domains. In addition, we deeply believe that, through their functions, contributions can also be made to the reduction of our clients’ total cost.
日本THK公司于1971 年,在日本東京Meguro-ku 成立,zui初名稱為 Toho Seiko Co., Ltd.。后更名THK CO.,LTD。   “THK”代表“ Toughness(堅韌)”、“ High Quality(高)”和“ Know-how(技術訣竅)”。THK公司簡介,THK導軌,THK/39/29/30
1971 年,THK 在東京 Meguro-ku 成立,zui初名稱為 Toho Seiko Co., Ltd.。   1972 年,THK 成為上*家開發通過滾動接觸實現直線運動的方法的公司,并開始制造和銷售商業化的成果:直線運動 (LM) 導軌。   1977 年,THK 的 Kofu (*家完善的 LM滾動導軌生產廠)成立。這是 THK 擴大生產設施的*步。   1981 年在美成立了 THK America Inc.,次年在德成立了 THK Europe,為際銷售網絡的擴展打下了基礎。   1984 年在日本成立了 Gifu ,并于 1985 年在日本成立了 Mie 和 Yamaguchi ,進一步擴大生產能力。   1996 年,THK 開發了“球保持器型 LM滾動導軌”,這種產品的優于傳 THK直線軸承   統產品。   如今THK擁有四位一體的生產和銷售基地:日本、歐洲、美洲和亞洲。
THK公司的“直線運動系統”飛躍性地提高了工作機械、產業用自動裝置、半導體制造裝置等進機電一體化設備的高精度化,省力化,高速化等機械,并為其商品化做出了劃時代的貢獻。   THK憑借*的機械組件,包括LM 導軌設備,滾珠花鍵、滾珠絲杠和連桿球,享譽。THK直線運動系列產品廣泛應用于機床、加工、汽車、橡膠、包裝、工業機器人、半導體制造裝置、醫療器械及其他各種電子控制機器等。/39/29/30






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